My Written Journey

Time, Space and Causality or Time For A Change             
P2 A study in Synchronicity             
P3 Ethica/Economia/Ecologia             
P4 Utilizing Metamorphosis As A Principle of Perception
P5 Temporal Integration              
P6 Nova Quadrivium and Nova Hermetica              
P7 Nova Hermetica and its Three Magi             
P8 A Backpacker’s Journey into the Teachings of Rudolf Steiner
P9 Warrior Prince to Forgotten Hero - The Mythic Journey of Harry Murray VC.     
P10 Consciousness

P1  Time, Space and Causality or Time For A Change             
This particular work was originally devoted to an examination of time, co-incidence and synchronicity. These subjects had occupied my private reading while we lived in Darwin. I thought it was about time I put pen to paper now that I had retired. Later I decided to expand the first edition by adding sections on space and causality. It became a collection of notes, observations and reflections about aspects of ‘Time, Space and Causality’. I finished this 2nd edition in 2007. 

P2 -  A study in Synchronicity       
As a student of Carl Jung's thought I have been interested in subjects such as chance, coincidence and synchronicity. My work touches on some earlier theorists of these subjects. ​Students will have to gain familiarity with the nature of time, causality and acausality as well as the concepts of destiny, fate and chance.

P3 -  Ethica/Economia/Ecologia
I wrote this work in order to come to an understanding of the financial meltdown of the American economy in 2008. I concluded that at its root the causes of the financial collapse were moral and spiritual rather than economic. To avoid repetitions of the event it was necessary to devise a new range of currencies and a reordering of the social-political framework. The new currencies would have to give due weight to a social capital and the natural capital of the environment. The socio-political framework would have to give a different legal basis for corporations and a re-definition of parliamentary functions and responsibilities. These issues would have to reflect the values of ecologia and ethica as well as economia. The failure to engineer a society where economics is a servant and not a dictator of society was directly responsible for the 2008 collapse. 

P4 - Utilizing Metamorphosis As A Principle of Perception 
Goethe's name is usually associated with the botanical term 'metamorphosis'. However his successor, Rudolf Steiner, utilized the term more widely than Goethe. Steiner applied the botanical term beyond plant and insect development to the transformations in the spiritual development of man and fields such as social organisation and suprisingly ​architecture. This book is an exploration in the way in which Steiner used the principle of metamorphosis in application beyond biology. The concepts of sensation, perception and ideation need to be understood.

P5 - Temporal Integration 
I wrote ‘Temporal Integration’ in order to examine the materialistic basis of modern evolutionary theory. ‘Temporal Integration’ may be defined as the integration of causality and teleology. Causality conceives ‘time’ as moving from the past to the present. Modern biological thought only accepts causal time. Teleology has no place in modern evolutionary theory. Biological thought today cannot accommodate itself to non-material causes. All ‘scientific’ explanations must include spiritual references. I find it too difficult to give much credence to an evolutionary theory which omits the participation of spirit or explains spirit as an epiphenomenon of matter.

I also wanted to give expression to an understanding of human evolution which was neither Darwinian, Lamarkian or Creationism. It was the view that man is not simply at the apex of creation. He was rather a compendium of the animal kingdom, polar to the plant kingdom and had excreted a mineral kingdom! Furthermore, I wanted to affirm that life was a property of form not matter! Reductionism as an approach to inquiry could yield information about smaller and smaller particles but this approach could not explain the ‘big picture’. It was necessary to add the planar to the point-wise approach. Polaric thinking was necessary to unite matter and spirit. This was also reflected in such polarities as

Part – Whole Time – Space Nerves – Blood
Analysis – Synthesis Causality – Teleology Root – Flower
Form – Process Point – Plane Head – Limb
Figure – Ground Space – Counter Space Statics – Dynamics
Anode - Cathode Male – Female Gravity - Levity

I agree with Jos Verhulst that:

  ‘Evolution is not the result of a mindless natural selection. It follows a teleological and spiritual path leading to man. Evolution is a function of the life process as a WHOLE rather than an accumulation or aggregate of individual variations’.  See Chapter 2 Developmental Dynamic: Fetalisation and Retardation. 

This examination led me to see the necessity to understand that the cosmos, as a whole, and the earth contributed to the design and evolution of man.  

P6 - Nova Quadrivium and Nova Hermetica
In the middle ages the basic university curriculum was called the trivium. This focused on Grammar, Rhetoric and Logic. The more advanced course was called the Quadrivium. This was concerned with four subjects: Arithmetic, Geometry, Astronomy and Music. These four subjects were all related to the geometry of Euclid and the teachings of Pythagoras. ‘Nova Hermetic’ was an introduction to the era of science which grew out of the Hermetic tradition. I wrote about the nature of Goethean science as an illustration of this new hermetic thinking, which differed in its approach to the classical physics of Newton.

P7 - Nova Hermetrica and Its Three Magi: Goethe, Steiner and Jung 
In 2013 I wrote a sequel to ‘Nova Quadrivium and Nova Hermetica’. It was in two parts. The first part was devoted to an examination of the Philosopha Perenis and the elements of Medieval Hermeticism. The second part had three chapters which dealt with the thought of the three modern (nova) hermetic thinkers viz Johaan Wolfgang Von Goethe (1749 – 1832), Rudolf Steiner (1861 – 1925), and Carl Gustav Jung (1875 – 1981). While they did not embrace the entire hermetic tradition, they each drew inspiration from the same reservoir. One of my reasons for writing this work was to uncover some of the hidden sources of Steiner’s teachings. There can be little doubt that he was an extremely well-read clairvoyant! He had a peculiar gift of making hermetic teaching appear deeply insightful and scientific! 

P8 – A Backpackers Journey into the Teachings of Rudolf Steiner 
This non-Anthroposophical introduction is in 33 small sections. Steiner was a spiritual visionary and a polymath. He had a distinct epistemology and a creative grasp of synthetic geometry which he applied to astronomy, medicine, agriculture, education, architecture and the arts etc.

P9 - Warrior Prince to Forgotten Hero – The Mythic Journey of Harry Murray VC 
This biographical summary of Harry Murray’s life is used to explore the nature of myth, destiny, fate and pre-destination. Harry Murray was the most decorated Australian Infantry man in the first World War.

P10 – Consciousness 
I wrote this work in 2010. It brought together a number of strands that have interested me over the years. These include philosophy, psychology and cultural anthropology. I drew on my years as a curriculum officer to examine the epistemological foundations of consciousness. My journeys in South-East Asia provided me with new cultural insights. My years of reading the works of Rudolf Steiner alerted me to a number of theorists who had speculated on the evolution of consciousness. I regard my investigation as a ‘work-in-progress’. I was led to the view that consciousness itself was subject to evolutionary development. Furthermore, I formed the view that the westernised consciousness was on a false path of development because of its materialism. It was attempting to reduce quality into quantity.